Ostkreuzschule für Fotografie präsentiert:
Abschlussausstellung des Sven Marquardt Seminar der Ostkreuzschule // März 2022
Ausstellungseröffnung / Opening 3.3 6 – 9pm
4. + 5.03 2 – 8pm; 6.03 2 – 6pm
Mit Fotografien von / Photos by
Kseniya Apresyan / Xiao Chen / Uwe Jung-Kempe / Tanja Kloth-Bober / Caro Lenhart / Sven Marquardt / AnnA Motterle / Georgi Naymark / Benjamin Pfau / Thomas Tiltmann
Ein Jahr lang, 2020 bis 2021, erarbeiteten die Seminarteilnehmer:innen unter der Leitung von Sven Marquardt das zentrale Thema “HEIMAT”. Die entstandenen Arbeiten, die sich zwischen dokumentarischer und künstlerischer Fotografie bewegen, skizzieren die multiperspektivische Diversität des Themas. Die entstandenen Fotografien eröffnen ein Spannungsfeld zwischen Verortung und die Suche nach Identität.
EN:: During the one year 2020 to 2021, the seminar participants worked under the direction of Sven Marquardt on the central theme of “HOME“. The resulting works, which move between documentary and artistic photography, outline the multi-perspectival diversity of the theme. The resulting photographs open up a field of tension between de-localization and the search for identity.
Sven Marquardt, born in Berlin in 1962, began his career as a photographer in the early 1980s in Berlin. After training as a photographer and camera assistant at DEFA, he had his first publications in the magazines “Sonntag” and “Das Magazin”. In 1985-1986 he was an assistant to Rudolf Schäfer. He worked as a fashion photographer for the magazine “Sibylle” and started shooting portraits. In 1988 he became a member of the Association of Visual Artists.
Marquardt, whose images “described the inside and outside of his existence in the big city” and staged “exalted dreams of desire and fear,” was a photographic documentarian of GDR subculture.
After the fall of the Berlin Wall, in the 1990s, Marquardt began working for his brother Oliver Marquardt (DJ Jauche) as a bouncer at the nightclub Ostgut. He immersed himself in Berlin’s new nightlife and club scene (Ostgut closed in 2003). At Berghain (one of Berlin’s most famous techno clubs) he became even more of an intriguing symbol of Berlin’s nightlife and processed his impressions and encounters in photo series, which have been exhibited several times. Sven Marquardt lives and works in Berlin and teaches at Ostkreuzschule for photography. marquardt-photography.com