Abandonment!:: Marianne Tuckman::Anna Hübschmann::Francisco Petrucci


19.00-21.30 multimedia installation 

live performances at 19.30 on both days.

„In a place without people there is a city.

a cold wind lifts a whistle from a rock

and abandoned objects in the street speak

of mothers, consequences, heartbreak, wild camping, what-Berlin-used-to-be, and torn meniscuses. they offer advice, words of warning, tips for good health, lessons in magic (for free!), and a true story that really did happen to a friend of a friend at hermannplatz…“

This work in progress is an attempt at recomposing ‘everydays’ in a new context, look-hearing for poems in the making… We welcome you to join the first sharing of this project!

A collaborative creation by Anna Hübschmann (light designer / musician), Francisco Petrucci (sound artist / writer), and Marianne Tuckman (performer/ writer).

Huge thanks to our Berlin friends for lending us their voices for this piece.

Languages used: German, English

Reserve your place by emailing info@liebig12.net