Untitled (exercise on one axis) by Hugo Esquinca

Site Specific Sound Installation by Hugo Esquinca (dekj.org)

“The piece explores excitation of defined boundary conditions as means of modulation within disparate asymmetrical sonorous relations shaping and maintaining a continuous audible space.”

Installation view at Liebig12 
from 10pm at Lauschangriff Absinthbar >> Rigaerstr 103 – 10247

Basement Party with fabulous:
Lukas Grundmann (dj set)http://www.lukasgrundmann.de/
s (o) r (o) k (dj set)https://soundcloud.com/s-o-r-o-k
oqko ad-libwww.oqko.org

Installation view at Liebig12  by appointment
Installation view at Liebig12  by appointment

Hugo Esquinca is a sound researcher from Mexico, based in Berlin investigating in the diverse spatio temporal relations deriving from transductive interactions between technology and the sensible in sound. expanding within and beyond audibility.

His work has been presented in diverse contexts and venues such as Mira Museum Center Siberia, Fondazione Antonio Rratti, CTM Festival, Loop Festival Berlin and NII Science and Arts Moscow among others.
He is founding member of the berlin based oqko collective.