Is a new solo audio/ visual project from Matt Sims.
It is a combination of both ambient and noise music with warped documentary style video loops and live feed.
The entire performance is done from within a tent/ net which acts as the surface for the projections.
more under: soundcloud.com/cel777
is a sound artist and designer, better known for his solo project Family Battle Snake.
He also runs the cult-label PAN with vinyl editions of electronic and experimental artists.
His music captures a variety of different sounds and time periods filtered through an imaginary urban soundscape. more under: pan-act.com
VALERIO TRICOLI (IT) is a Berlin-based composer, improviser, sound installation artist, producer, sound engineer and curator bridging musique concrete and conceptual forms of sound.
He mostly uses analogue electronic devices (reel-to-reel tape recorders, synthesizers, microphones, light effects, ultrasonic speakers).
The structure of the setup is ever-changing however, seeking multiple relations between the performers, the device and the space in which the event takes place.
He is one of the founders of 3/4HadBeenEliminated and the Bowindo label/collective. more under: soundcloud.com/tags/valerio%20tricoli
SALVATORE ARANGIO (a.k.a. OOTCHIO) (IT) lives and works in Bologna, Italy.
His studio works deal with drone ambiences and non-linear compositions of electroacoustic sounds.
Playing electronic devices of all sorts, he investigates the characteristics of the physical environment through sound means. more under: myspace.com/ootchio