Gate Schmitt Trigger (CD4093) … for modulation

Hex Schmitt Trigger (CD40106) … for polyphony

In that circuit bending workshop we will build experimental sound machines on the basis of digital logic chips that were not made to create sound. But it just can sound beautifully noisy!

We will start with a Hex Schmitt Trigger (CMOS 40106). With different resistors, capacitors, diods, potentiometers and switches we can create up to 6 different voices – seperate and mixed (polyphony). After that we use a CMOS Quad NAND Gate Schmitt Trigger (4093).

Now we create 4 oscillators that modulate each other.

Starting with basic circuits, I will show how the different electronic elements influence the sound. Everybody will experiment with different values of the pots ect until you find the sound/modulations you like. You will learn how to use a breadboard and how to solder (if you do not know yet). Step by step you learn about more possibilities how to change the sounds – to get ideas how to proceed. These CMOS produce square waves…but they are not really clean.

No experience or knowledge is needed!

What will be provided: resistors, capacitors, potentiometers, switches, battery clips, an audio outputs, the solderboard …. and most important the chips

What the participants should bring: a solder gun, solder, a breadboard (if u have one), nippers, wire, a small amplifier (or computer speakers), headphones, croco clips, a 9 Volt battery (very important)


AA..LL is a Berlin based artist, she studied Fine Arts here till 2009. In her experimental sound collages with self built electronics and taped reality she responds to the movement of body and mind, affected by our rushing era.
(….people call it minimal, noise, drone, a telling of a story… )

AA..LL played at international festivals like WRO 09 (Wroclaw,PL), re:new (Copenhagen, DK), transmediale.10 (Berlin, DE)… as well she was performing at Loos Foundation in The Hague (NL), Laznia Art Centre in Gdansk (PL) and at Goethe-Institut in Dhaka (Bangladesh)…listen to: