STRANGE ATTRACTORS:: Experiments in quinary landscapes


5pm until 9pm 
STRANGE ATTRACTORS_”Experiments in quinary landscapes”

Strange Attractor is a group of Ireland-based visual and sound artists for improvised sound performances, consisting of Anthony Kelly, Danny McCarthy, Irene Murphy Mick O’Shea, and David Stalling. The group will carry out a durational sound performance relating to questions on environment and landscape.

the performance is linked to the exhibition CONJURE 
by Anthony Kelly & David Stalling 
at Errant Sound_Rungestr. 20 10179 Berlin 
opening on 7.11 at 7pm _ opening hours on 10 – 12.11 & 16 -19.11.2023 _4 to 8pm 

& to ANIMA MUNDI#04 _a collaborative exhibition project among 
Errant Sound, Liebig12 _Berlin, DE 
Domie_Poznan, Trafo_Szczecin, MOS_Gorzow, PL

Curated and organised by Janine Eisenächer (Errant Sound), Bartosz Nowak (Miejski Osrodek Sztuki), Allegra Solitude (Liebig 12), and Natalie Krekhno.

ANIMA MUNDI is a pan-European project that is based on cooperation and exchange of experiences in the fields of Sound Art and sonic Performance Art, addressing issues of environmental changes, ecology, and sustainability. The specificity of sound-related artistic practices lies in its strong connection to the environment. As sound artists particularly deal with questions on space and its very conditions, and as they often perform recordings and field activities in nature, urban environments or in relationship to architecture, their practice is strongly relational. These themes are reflected by ANIMA MUNDI’s focus on the multiple and diverse relationships between human and non-human beings and things as well as between them and their surroundings. In dealing with human-non-human interactions and in shaping shared (perceptions of) spaces through sound, a new sensitivity and attentiveness towards the matter of life come into being through sonic, multisensual and multisensory experiences, which become the starting point for a deeper understanding of our coexistence and entanglements with the world.

ANIMA MUNDI started in 2022 as a collaboration between the renowned Sound Art-project space Errant Sound (Berlin), the space for experimental music and cross-disciplinary exchange Liebig 12 (Berlin), Miejski Ośrodek Sztuki and Terminal 08 (Gorzów). This year, the project welcomes our new project partners Farpoint Recordings (Dublin). ANIMA MUNDI #1 consisted of a sound performance-event with Berlin-based sound artists at Miejski Ośrodek Sztuki and two sound installations at Terminal 08 last year in October, and it was followed by #2, a Sound Art-exhibition with Szczecin-based and Berlin-based artists at Errant Sound in November 2022. After #3, that is currently shown at Miejski Ośrodek Sztuki in Gorzów (29.10. – 3.12.2023), #4 presents an exhibition at Errant Sound as well as a series of concert performances by the Irish band Strange Attractor in Berlin, Szczecin, Gorzów and Poznan.