

[Money is a pain, only a few can gain.
Money is for supper, excess and clutter.
Money put me in the gutter,
Money is a real motherfucker.]


[But my desire for something real was what drove my search
I wanted something to hold from this Earth, not from their glamour church.]



GONE FOR GOLD is an allegorical critique of the contemporary American condition of wondering and wandering. This searching is generated from questions of what constitutes value in the face of the many discouraging social and economic crises. Not only is the obvious topic of money in the script of this performance, it is joined by multiple issues seeking forms of justice through understanding and action. These include the forms of prejudice located in and around gender, race, sexual orientation, and class.The narrative in GONE FOR GOLD is comprised of spoken rhyming verse combined with seven songs, symbolizing a deeper navigation of an advanced society and its conflicted morals.

Much like the Dadaists of the early 20th century TMO LIVE! performs in the cabaret style to merge politics and entertainment with the intent of activating change within the audiences he engages.

Called an “interdisciplinary gospel immortalist” by Kembra Pfahler, TYLER MATTHEW OYER was born in Pennsylvania and currently lives and works in Los Angeles. more under: tmostudio.com


527043_4149462171279_769703285_n photos: Quique del Bianco