reSource network meeting



Liebig12 in cooperation with artist & curator Kate Hollet are hosting the September reSource Meeting.


Present: Konrad Korabiewski, Anna Friz, Doron Sadja, Allegra/Liebig12, Kate Hollett, Gregor Sedlag, Manuela Benetton, Robert Sakrowski, Daniela Silvestrin, Kristoffer Gansing, Lieke Ploeger, Tina Madsen, Erika/Panke, Elena & Francesco.


Presentation of Agenda / Introductions


Kate Hollett & Allegra Solitude´s Welcome! – introduction of the space and the A/V installation piece of Korad Korabiewski & Anna Friz that ran for the all duration of the meeting


Presentation/Discussion of Works and Concepts


Anna Friz and Konrad Korabiewski discuss their intervention at Liebig12:

Rhythm analysis for errant commuters and communications – By foot, wheel, and air, we travel –  Multi-channel radio and audio; single screen projection (recorded street sounds/video layered with real timeflight data from Iceland)


Lieke Ploeger discussed installation on now in her new art space called SPEKTRUM Berlin:


Ionesis:transitory fluorescent space – A multi-channel composition generated live by a software is displaying a synchronisation of a stream of high-voltage into 15 fluorescent tubes by means of music for the eyes. Flickering and pulsing is the language of the light which is used in this piece, offering a sense of transitority of the space which is undergoing modifications every week.

The installation is running every evening between sunset and midnight at Bürknerstr 12 (U8 Schönleinstrasse).


Doron Sadja described some of his work in sound, light and fog & the upcoming performative installation at Liebig12:


Kate Hollett moderates an open discussion about 21st century identity within virtual & media culture – group participation.

Kate will be speaking at Social Media Week :

About the reSource:

The resource network meetings gathers a diverse group of transmediale affiliated and new project spaces and cultural producers within the city. Already after the first reSource event, the first “Meeting of Berlin based New Media Spaces and Curators” has been hosted by Panke together with Art Laboratory Berlin.

Subscribe the Mailing List and join the meetings HERE

Get to know other Spaces / Curatorial initiaves interviewed by the reSource initiator Tatiana Bazzichelli HERE

Berlin has over 400 commercial galleries and 150 non-commercial project spaces.
In a scene still dominated by traditional media, how can spaces concentrating on innovative works in New Media, technology and the borders of the arts, science and technology raise their profile, attract a larger public, and gain access to more funding? We suggest creating a series of regular meetings, where curators and organizers can exchange information, search for synergies, and discuss common strategies for PR, fundraising and more.

The initiative Networking Berlin’s transmedial culture started in spring 2012 as part of Tatiana Bazzichelli’s Postdoc research project on networking communities developed as a joint collaboration between the Centre for Digital Culture / Leuphana University of Lüneburg, and transmediale festival. After transmediale 2k+12 in/compatible, she started investigating the perception on the newborn reSource project, and the transmediale festival in general, by various cultural producers, artists and curators based in Berlin. The aim was to document considerations and thoughts of people active within the scene of cultural production in the city, and the implications of their activity in the framework of culture politics and networking models.