2.9 – 22.9
curated by Jacky Noise (JacqNoise) in collaboration with Error Instruments the festival will focus on all aspects of Noise. Noise what we can not imagine not having in our surroundings. During the three weeks workshops we will deep dive into sound & hardware related topics developing new sets of skills and possibilities.
Workshops / Exhibitions @Liebig12_Liebigstr.12_ dates&time as follows
Anna Jordan | Ashley Puente | Error instruments | James Osterlund | Jeannette Petrik | Mortiz Klein | Peter Kirn | Sara Sommers | Youri Landman I Odio by Volst I Steal in momentum
12:30 Sarah Sommers – Transform your hardware
14:30 Jeannette Petrik & James Osterlund _Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin · Berlin School of Mind and Brain
16:00 Anna Jordan – How to start your own label or distribute your music
13:30 Ashley Puente – Ableton – First aid guide to integrating your hardware in DAW
16:00 Moritz Klein – Analog Filtering / How to start your DIY projects to build up to a modular synth
infos & registration by email jacqnoise@gmail.com
Performances at Jugend[widerstands]museum Galiläakirche Rigaerstr. 9/10
doors 7pm _ performances start 8pm sharp
3.9.22 Festival Opening with: BR Lazer | Aditya Nandwana | Maarten Vos
10.9.22 Jessica Kert | su dance 110 | Kathrin Lambert
17.9.22 Anna-Maria Van Reusel aka Silver Galaxy / visuals Optical CollusionRobin Moedder
Chebedajha with sound in space
Dewi Barend presenting De/Wi new Fashion outfit w/ @laurentsavino
Francis Mar sonification of the body
WeiKang Beh with unheard sound
:: Graphic by Clement Beaugé :: infos at www.noisefestival.info